Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bad Tiger

Well, I think it is safe to say that 2009 is now over. How do I gauge that? Well, for me it's when I finish writing the wrong year by mistake. As I can finally manage to write 2010 correctly, I therefore vote to move on to the current year. Anyway, looking back at last year, there is one interesting news story filled with regret. That's you Tiger Woods. He did some things he was ashamed of. Being an English teacher, it's time to lay blame using correct grammar. So today we will blame Tiger using Should have done

1.) For example: Tiger lied to his wife for a very long time.
We express his regret by saying: He Shouldn't have lied to his wife.

-In grammar speak we say: SHOULD HAVE +PAST PARTICIPLE
-What else about Tiger? He should have told the truth. He Should have apologized. He Shouldn't have slept with so many women. He shouldn't have done so many bad things.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Used to do something/to be Used to doing something!!!

Are you looking at the title thinking both are the same?


If I say I used to do something; for example: I used to smoke, drink red bull, drive a car, read poetry, it means that I DON'T anymore

If I say I am used to doing something, for example: I am used to, waking up early, taking the bus to work, working 15 hours a day, studying for ten hours a day,living in Poland etc..

SO: TO BE USED TO +ING: this means that something was difficult and unpleasant for a while, but now you can manage and not be bothered by it!!!

ALTHOUGH...If you say I am used to snowboarding, skiing, riding a bike, or other activities, then I AM USED TO +ING is strange...it's better to say that you are GETTING GOOD AT+ING..
I am getting good at playing the guitar, because the guitar was never unpleasant, so i didn't have to get used to playing it!!!

Hope this helps!