Friday, August 20, 2010

An important decison!

What would decide if you could have any of the following superpowers; flight, invisibility,or the power to read thoughts? Think about it. I bet at first you thought it was an absurd question, but if you ponder this question more deeply, you might find yourself surprisingly captivated by the idea. The American radio program'This American Life' presented the topic of superheroes this week, and after listening briefly out of politeness, I found myself caught up in the different scenarios of what people would do when they chose thier preferred superpower. I would chose flight. What about you?

Such is the power of an idea, superheroes, and the captivating power of 'This American Life,' on NPR.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Controversial advertising good or bad?

Do you think some advertisers cross the line? Are they too controversial? Or Maybe, they are makking the world a better place by using really shocking, graphic images which because of the shock value stay in our memories. Anyway, click on this link and see for yourself, are some advertisements too controversial or not?